It is your responsibility to wear the helmet with the appropriate certifications for your specific sport. Helmets can be rented at the sign in desk or bought at any of the two pro-shops at Haven Skate Park.
Elbow & knee pads and wrist guards are highly recommended.
Keeping your helmet on while resting or watching outside of the ramp park area is recommended.
If you see a sign that says ‘No Wall Rides Here’ – don't do wall rides there.
Attempt tricks that you have proficiency at. To avoid collisions, make sure the entire skating/riding path is clear.
For skaters and riders 18 and over, you must have a valid I.D. to prove your age. If you are under 18 you MUST have a parent or court appointed legal guardian's signature. If the waiver is not signed in front of our Staff, it MUST be notorized (most banks, post offices, libraries offer the service for free). A friend's parent or sibling CAN NOT sign the waiver for you.
Helmets must be worn in the ramp areas at ALL times.
Repeated violations will result in banning of participant from the premise.